Emergent Mind

Finite-Time Analysis of Temporal Difference Learning: Discrete-Time Linear System Perspective

Published Apr 22, 2022 in cs.LG , cs.SY , and eess.SY


TD-learning is a fundamental algorithm in the field of reinforcement learning (RL), that is employed to evaluate a given policy by estimating the corresponding value function for a Markov decision process. While significant progress has been made in the theoretical analysis of TD-learning, recent research has uncovered guarantees concerning its statistical efficiency by developing finite-time error bounds. This paper aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge by presenting a novel finite-time analysis of tabular temporal difference (TD) learning, which makes direct and effective use of discrete-time stochastic linear system models and leverages Schur matrix properties. The proposed analysis can cover both on-policy and off-policy settings in a unified manner. By adopting this approach, we hope to offer new and straightforward templates that not only shed further light on the analysis of TD-learning and related RL algorithms but also provide valuable insights for future research in this domain.

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