Emergent Mind

Hessian Averaging in Stochastic Newton Methods Achieves Superlinear Convergence

Published Apr 20, 2022 in math.OC , cs.LG , and stat.ML


We consider minimizing a smooth and strongly convex objective function using a stochastic Newton method. At each iteration, the algorithm is given an oracle access to a stochastic estimate of the Hessian matrix. The oracle model includes popular algorithms such as Subsampled Newton and Newton Sketch. Despite using second-order information, these existing methods do not exhibit superlinear convergence, unless the stochastic noise is gradually reduced to zero during the iteration, which would lead to a computational blow-up in the per-iteration cost. We propose to address this limitation with Hessian averaging: instead of using the most recent Hessian estimate, our algorithm maintains an average of all the past estimates. This reduces the stochastic noise while avoiding the computational blow-up. We show that this scheme exhibits local $Q$-superlinear convergence with a non-asymptotic rate of $(\Upsilon\sqrt{\log (t)/t}\,){t}$, where $\Upsilon$ is proportional to the level of stochastic noise in the Hessian oracle. A potential drawback of this (uniform averaging) approach is that the averaged estimates contain Hessian information from the global phase of the method, i.e., before the iterates converge to a local neighborhood. This leads to a distortion that may substantially delay the superlinear convergence until long after the local neighborhood is reached. To address this drawback, we study a number of weighted averaging schemes that assign larger weights to recent Hessians, so that the superlinear convergence arises sooner, albeit with a slightly slower rate. Remarkably, we show that there exists a universal weighted averaging scheme that transitions to local convergence at an optimal stage, and still exhibits a superlinear convergence rate nearly (up to a logarithmic factor) matching that of uniform Hessian averaging.

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