Emergent Mind

Distributed MIS in $O(\log\log{n} )$ Awake Complexity

Published Apr 18, 2022 in cs.DC and cs.DS


Maximal Independent Set (MIS) is one of the fundamental and most well-studied problems in distributed graph algorithms. Even after four decades of intensive research, the best-known (randomized) MIS algorithms have $O(\log{n})$ round complexity on general graphs Luby, STOC 1986, while the best-known lower bound is $\Omega(\sqrt{\log{n}/\log\log{n}})$ [Kuhn, Moscibroda, Wattenhofer, JACM 2016]. Breaking past the $O(\log{n})$ round complexity upper bound or showing stronger lower bounds have been longstanding open problems. Our main contribution is to show that MIS can be computed in awake complexity that is exponentially better compared to the best known round complexity of $O(\log n)$ and also bypassing its fundamental $\Omega(\sqrt{\log{n}/\log\log{n}})$ round complexity lower bound exponentially. Specifically, we show that MIS can be computed by a randomized distributed (Monte Carlo) algorithm in $O(\log\log{n} )$ awake complexity with high probability (i.e., with probability at least $1 - n{-1}$). This algorithm has a round complexity of $O((\log7 n) \log \log n)$. We also show that we can improve the round complexity at the cost of a slight increase in awake complexity, by presenting a randomized distributed (Monte Carlo) algorithm for MIS that, with high probability, computes an MIS in $O((\log\log{n})\log*n)$ awake complexity and $O((\log3 n) (\log \log n) \log*n)$ round complexity. Our algorithms work in the CONGEST model where messages of size $O(\log n)$ bits can be sent per edge per round.

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