Emergent Mind


The Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) formalism, designed originally for English, has been adapted to a number of languages. We build on previous work proposing the annotation of AMR in Spanish, which resulted in the release of 50 Spanish AMR annotations for the fictional text "The Little Prince." In this work, we present the first sizable, general annotation project for Spanish Abstract Meaning Representation. Our approach to annotation makes use of Spanish rolesets from the AnCora-Net lexicon and extends English AMR with semantic features specific to Spanish. In addition to our guidelines, we release an annotated corpus (586 annotations total, for 486 unique sentences) of multiple genres of documents from the "Abstract Meaning Representation 2.0 - Four Translations" sembank. This corpus is commonly used for evaluation of AMR parsing and generation, but does not include gold AMRs; we hope that providing gold annotations for this dataset can result in a more complete approach to cross-lingual AMR parsing. Finally, we perform a disagreement analysis and discuss the implications of our work on the adaptability of AMR to languages other than English.

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