Emergent Mind

COTS: Collaborative Two-Stream Vision-Language Pre-Training Model for Cross-Modal Retrieval

Published Apr 15, 2022 in cs.CV , cs.CL , and cs.IR


Large-scale single-stream pre-training has shown dramatic performance in image-text retrieval. Regrettably, it faces low inference efficiency due to heavy attention layers. Recently, two-stream methods like CLIP and ALIGN with high inference efficiency have also shown promising performance, however, they only consider instance-level alignment between the two streams (thus there is still room for improvement). To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel COllaborative Two-Stream vision-language pretraining model termed COTS for image-text retrieval by enhancing cross-modal interaction. In addition to instance level alignment via momentum contrastive learning, we leverage two extra levels of cross-modal interactions in our COTS: (1) Token-level interaction - a masked visionlanguage modeling (MVLM) learning objective is devised without using a cross-stream network module, where variational autoencoder is imposed on the visual encoder to generate visual tokens for each image. (2) Task-level interaction - a KL-alignment learning objective is devised between text-to-image and image-to-text retrieval tasks, where the probability distribution per task is computed with the negative queues in momentum contrastive learning. Under a fair comparison setting, our COTS achieves the highest performance among all two-stream methods and comparable performance (but with 10,800X faster in inference) w.r.t. the latest single-stream methods. Importantly, our COTS is also applicable to text-to-video retrieval, yielding new state-ofthe-art on the widely-used MSR-VTT dataset.

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