Emergent Mind

Linearly ordered colourings of hypergraphs

Published Apr 12, 2022 in cs.CC , cs.DM , cs.DS , and math.CO


A linearly ordered (LO) $k$-colouring of an $r$-uniform hypergraph assigns an integer from ${1, \ldots, k }$ to every vertex so that, in every edge, the (multi)set of colours has a unique maximum. Equivalently, for $r=3$, if two vertices in an edge are assigned the same colour, then the third vertex is assigned a larger colour (as opposed to a different colour, as in classic non-monochromatic colouring). Barto, Battistelli, and Berg [STACS'21] studied LO colourings on $3$-uniform hypergraphs in the context of promise constraint satisfaction problems (PCSPs). We show two results. First, given a 3-uniform hypergraph that admits an LO $2$-colouring, one can find in polynomial time an LO $k$-colouring with $k=O(\sqrt[3]{n \log \log n / \log n})$. Second, given an $r$-uniform hypergraph that admits an LO $2$-colouring, we establish NP-hardness of finding an LO $k$-colouring for every constant uniformity $r\geq k+2$. In fact, we determine relationships between polymorphism minions for all uniformities $r\geq 3$, which reveals a key difference between $r<k+2$ and $r\geq k+2$ and which may be of independent interest. Using the algebraic approach to PCSPs, we actually show a more general result establishing NP-hardness of finding an LO $k$-colouring for LO $\ell$-colourable $r$-uniform hypergraphs for $2 \leq \ell \leq k$ and $r \geq k - \ell + 4$.

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