Emergent Mind


State-of-the-art parallel sorting algorithms for distributed-memory architectures are based on computing a balanced partitioning via sampling and histogramming. By finding samples that partition the sorted keys into evenly-sized chunks, these algorithms minimize the number of communication rounds required. Histogramming (computing positions of samples) guides sampling, enabling a decrease in the overall number of samples collected. We derive lower and upper bounds on the number of sampling/histogramming rounds required to compute a balanced partitioning. We improve on prior results to demonstrate that when using $p$ processors, $O(\log* p)$ rounds with $O(p/\log* p)$ samples per round suffice. We match that with a lower bound that shows that any algorithm with $O(p)$ samples per round requires at least $\Omega(\log* p)$ rounds. Additionally, we prove the $\Omega(p \log p)$ samples lower bound for one round, thus proving that existing one round algorithms: sample sort, AMS sort and HSS have optimal sample size complexity. To derive the lower bound, we propose a hard randomized input distribution and apply classical results from the distribution theory of runs.

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