Emergent Mind


The increasing interest in autonomous robots with a high number of degrees of freedom for industrial applications and service robotics demands control algorithms to handle multiple tasks as well as hard constraints efficiently. This paper presents a general framework in which both kinematic (velocity- or acceleration-based) and dynamic (torque-based) control of redundant robots are handled in a unified fashion. The framework allows for the specification of redundancy resolution problems featuring a hierarchy of arbitrary (equality and inequality) constraints, arbitrary weighting of the control effort in the cost function and an additional input used to optimize possibly remaining redundancy. To solve such problems, a generalization of the Saturation in the Null Space (SNS) algorithm is introduced, which extends the original method according to the features required by our general control framework. Variants of the developed algorithm are presented, which ensure both efficient computation and optimality of the solution. Experiments on a KUKA LBRiiwa robotic arm, as well as simulations with a highly redundant mobile manipulator are reported.

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