Emergent Mind


The goal of imitation learning is to mimic expert behavior from demonstrations, without access to an explicit reward signal. A popular class of approach infers the (unknown) reward function via inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) followed by maximizing this reward function via reinforcement learning (RL). The policies learned via these approaches are however very brittle in practice and deteriorate quickly even with small test-time perturbations due to compounding errors. We propose Imitation with Planning at Test-time (IMPLANT), a new meta-algorithm for imitation learning that utilizes decision-time planning to correct for compounding errors of any base imitation policy. In contrast to existing approaches, we retain both the imitation policy and the rewards model at decision-time, thereby benefiting from the learning signal of the two components. Empirically, we demonstrate that IMPLANT significantly outperforms benchmark imitation learning approaches on standard control environments and excels at zero-shot generalization when subject to challenging perturbations in test-time dynamics.

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