Emergent Mind


We present an approach to efficiently and effectively adapt a masked image modeling (MIM) pre-trained vanilla Vision Transformer (ViT) for object detection, which is based on our two novel observations: (i) A MIM pre-trained vanilla ViT encoder can work surprisingly well in the challenging object-level recognition scenario even with randomly sampled partial observations, e.g., only 25% $\sim$ 50% of the input embeddings. (ii) In order to construct multi-scale representations for object detection from single-scale ViT, a randomly initialized compact convolutional stem supplants the pre-trained large kernel patchify stem, and its intermediate features can naturally serve as the higher resolution inputs of a feature pyramid network without further upsampling or other manipulations. While the pre-trained ViT is only regarded as the 3${rd}$-stage of our detector's backbone instead of the whole feature extractor. This results in a ConvNet-ViT hybrid feature extractor. The proposed detector, named MIMDet, enables a MIM pre-trained vanilla ViT to outperform hierarchical Swin Transformer by 2.5 box AP and 2.6 mask AP on COCO, and achieves better results compared with the previous best adapted vanilla ViT detector using a more modest fine-tuning recipe while converging 2.8$\times$ faster. Code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/hustvl/MIMDet.

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