Emergent Mind


Coflow is a recently proposed network abstraction to capture communication patterns in data centers. The coflow scheduling problem in large data centers is one of the most important $NP$-hard problems. Previous research on coflow scheduling focused mainly on the single-switch model. However, with recent technological developments, this single-core model is no longer sufficient. This paper considers the coflow scheduling problem in identical parallel networks. The identical parallel network is an architecture based on multiple network cores running in parallel. Coflow can be considered as divisible or indivisible. Different flows in a divisible coflow can be transmitted through different network cores. Considering the divisible coflow scheduling problem, we propose a $(6-\frac{2}{m})$-approximation algorithm with arbitrary release times, and a $(5-\frac{2}{m})$-approximation without release time, where $m$ is the number of network cores. On the other hand, when coflow is indivisible, we propose a $(4m+1)$-approximation algorithm with arbitrary release times, and a $(4m)$-approximation without release time.

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