Emergent Mind

DT2I: Dense Text-to-Image Generation from Region Descriptions

Published Apr 5, 2022 in cs.CV


Despite astonishing progress, generating realistic images of complex scenes remains a challenging problem. Recently, layout-to-image synthesis approaches have attracted much interest by conditioning the generator on a list of bounding boxes and corresponding class labels. However, previous approaches are very restrictive because the set of labels is fixed a priori. Meanwhile, text-to-image synthesis methods have substantially improved and provide a flexible way for conditional image generation. In this work, we introduce dense text-to-image (DT2I) synthesis as a new task to pave the way toward more intuitive image generation. Furthermore, we propose DTC-GAN, a novel method to generate images from semantically rich region descriptions, and a multi-modal region feature matching loss to encourage semantic image-text matching. Our results demonstrate the capability of our approach to generate plausible images of complex scenes using region captions.

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