Emergent Mind


We prove that for every 3-player (3-prover) game $\mathcal G$ with value less than one, whose query distribution has the support $\mathcal S = {(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)}$ of hamming weight one vectors, the value of the $n$-fold parallel repetition $\mathcal G{\otimes n}$ decays polynomially fast to zero; that is, there is a constant $c = c(\mathcal G)>0$ such that the value of the game $\mathcal G{\otimes n}$ is at most $n{-c}$. Following the recent work of Girish, Holmgren, Mittal, Raz and Zhan (STOC 2022), our result is the missing piece that implies a similar bound for a much more general class of multiplayer games: For $\textbf{every}$ 3-player game $\mathcal G$ over $\textit{binary questions}$ and $\textit{arbitrary answer lengths}$, with value less than 1, there is a constant $c = c(\mathcal G)>0$ such that the value of the game $\mathcal G{\otimes n}$ is at most $n{-c}$. Our proof technique is new and requires many new ideas. For example, we make use of the Level-$k$ inequalities from Boolean Fourier Analysis, which, to the best of our knowledge, have not been explored in this context prior to our work.

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