Emergent Mind


Single-tower models are widely used in the ranking stage of news recommendation to accurately rank candidate news according to their fine-grained relatedness with user interest indicated by user behaviors. However, these models can easily inherit the biases related to users' sensitive attributes (e.g., demographics) encoded in training click data, and may generate recommendation results that are unfair to users with certain attributes. In this paper, we propose FairRank, which is a fairness-aware single-tower ranking framework for news recommendation. Since candidate news selection can be biased, we propose to use a shared candidate-aware user model to match user interest with a real displayed candidate news and a random news, respectively, to learn a candidate-aware user embedding that reflects user interest in candidate news and a candidate-invariant user embedding that indicates intrinsic user interest. We apply adversarial learning to both of them to reduce the biases brought by sensitive user attributes. In addition, we use a KL loss to regularize the attribute labels inferred from the two user embeddings to be similar, which can make the model capture less candidate-aware bias information. Extensive experiments on two datasets show that FairRank can improve the fairness of various single-tower news ranking models with minor performance losses.

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