Emergent Mind


There is a trade-off between transient performance and line current distortion of the DC bus voltage control of single-phase grid-connected voltage source converters. This paper presents an improved DC bus voltage control scheme of such converters using a proportional-integral controller in series with a first-order low pass filter. The extended symmetrical tuning method was adopted in the design of a regulator parameter, which greatly reduced the oscillating component at the double line frequency. The proposed control methodology allowed the loop bandwidth to increase without distorting the line current. Consequently, the DC bus voltage fluctuation or DC bus capacitance was reduced with a shorter settling time during a step load, compared with the conventional scheme. The proposed voltage scheme was found to be robust to the grid voltage variation and was less susceptible to the line voltage harmonics. Simulation and experimental results of a 1.5 kVA PWM rectifier verified the proposed methodology.

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