Emergent Mind


Abstract syntax trees (ASTs) play a crucial role in source code representation. However, due to the large number of nodes in an AST and the typically deep AST hierarchy, it is challenging to learn the hierarchical structure of an AST effectively. In this paper, we propose HELoC, a hierarchical contrastive learning model for source code representation. To effectively learn the AST hierarchy, we use contrastive learning to allow the network to predict the AST node level and learn the hierarchical relationships between nodes in a self-supervised manner, which makes the representation vectors of nodes with greater differences in AST levels farther apart in the embedding space. By using such vectors, the structural similarities between code snippets can be measured more precisely. In the learning process, a novel GNN (called Residual Self-attention Graph Neural Network, RSGNN) is designed, which enables HELoC to focus on embedding the local structure of an AST while capturing its overall structure. HELoC is self-supervised and can be applied to many source code related downstream tasks such as code classification, code clone detection, and code clustering after pre-training. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that HELoC outperforms the state-of-the-art source code representation models.

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