Emergent Mind

A General Survey on Attention Mechanisms in Deep Learning

Published Mar 27, 2022 in cs.LG


Attention is an important mechanism that can be employed for a variety of deep learning models across many different domains and tasks. This survey provides an overview of the most important attention mechanisms proposed in the literature. The various attention mechanisms are explained by means of a framework consisting of a general attention model, uniform notation, and a comprehensive taxonomy of attention mechanisms. Furthermore, the various measures for evaluating attention models are reviewed, and methods to characterize the structure of attention models based on the proposed framework are discussed. Last, future work in the field of attention models is considered.

Taxonomy of different attention mechanisms.


  • The paper provides a comprehensive examination of various attention mechanisms in the context of deep learning models, utilizing a standardized framework including a general attention model, uniform notation, and an elaborate taxonomy.

  • Attention mechanisms, originally advanced for computer vision, became crucial in NLP with significant enhancements from neural machine translation work by Bahdanau et al., leading to widespread adaptation across domains.

  • A detailed taxonomy based on feature-related, general, and query-related mechanisms is proposed, and future research directions such as hybrid mechanisms, unsupervised learning, and theoretical advancements are explored.

An Overview of Attention Mechanisms in Deep Learning

The paper, authored by Gianni Brauwers and Flavius Frasincar, entitled "A General Survey on Attention Mechanisms in Deep Learning," presents a comprehensive examination of various attention mechanisms in the context of deep learning models. This thorough survey delineates attention mechanisms using a standardized framework, which includes a general attention model, uniform notation, and a comprehensive taxonomy, ultimately furnishing a panoramic view of the state-of-the-art techniques and their applications.

The conceptual genesis of attention mechanisms in machine learning traces back to early advancements in computer vision. The objective was to streamline image processing by focusing computational resources on salient regions within images rather than analyzing entire images exhaustively. However, the types of attention mechanisms predominant today were crystallized in NLP paradigms, especially with the seminal work by Bahdanau et al. on neural machine translation. This milestone instigated further refinements and adaptations of attention models across various domains, fostering widespread adoption due to significant enhancements in model performance.

General Attention Model

The paper lays a foundational understanding by explicating a general attention model. This model bifurcates the task module into four submodels: the feature model, query model, attention model, and output model. Each submodule plays a critical role in extracting meaningful representations and contextual information from inputs.

  1. Feature Model: Extracts feature vectors from raw input data.
  2. Query Model: Generates query vectors which guide the attention model by indicating which feature vectors to prioritize.
  3. Attention Model: Consists of submodules that calculate attention scores and weights, creating a context vector by weighting feature vectors based on their scores.
  4. Output Model: Converts the context vector into the desired output through, for instance, a softmax layer for classification tasks.

Taxonomy of Attention Mechanisms

One of the paramount contributions of this survey is the proposed taxonomy that elucidates attention mechanisms based on several orthogonal dimensions:

Feature-Related Mechanisms:

  • Multiplicity of Features: Handles scenarios where single or multiple inputs are attended to. For example, co-attention mechanisms attend to multiple inputs like images and text simultaneously.
  • Feature Levels: Implements multi-level attention for hierarchical data (e.g., words forming sentences, sentences forming documents).
  • Feature Representations: Employs single or multiple representations (meta-embeddings) derived from various embeddings.

General Mechanisms:

  • Scoring: Various score functions such as additive, multiplicative, scaled multiplicative, and general score functions determine the importance of feature vectors relative to a query.
  • Alignment: Techniques like soft (global), hard, and local alignment refine the attention mechanism by optimizing the spread or focus of attention weights.
  • Dimensionality: Single-dimensional and multi-dimensional attention mechanisms either assign scalar weights to entire vectors or vector weights to individual dimensions within feature vectors.

Query-Related Mechanisms:

  • Type of Queries: Differentiates between basic queries and self-attentive or specialized queries, which are closely linked with iterations of a given feature representation.
  • Multiplicity of Queries: Explores multi-head attention, multi-hop attention, and capsule-based attention mechanisms where multiple queries or repetitions are used to refine context vectors or capture different types of information.

Implications and Future Directions

The survey opens several avenues for future research:

  1. Hybrid Mechanisms: Combining orthogonal dimensions (e.g., multi-dimensional with multi-head attention) may yield further improvements in performance.
  2. Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning: The application of attention mechanisms in these less explored areas could address the scarcity of labeled data.
  3. Theoretical Advancements: Rigorous theoretical analysis could distill guidelines for designing more effective and efficient attention models.

Conclusion and Evaluation

Evaluation of attention models encompasses both extrinsic and intrinsic metrics. Extrinsic evaluations typically involve performance measures specific to the application domain (e.g., BLEU for NLP, PSNR for computer vision). In contrast, intrinsic evaluations may involve alignment error rates or assessments against human attention patterns, providing qualitative confidence in the model's focus mechanisms.

In conclusion, this survey meticulously covers the advancements and applications of attention mechanisms in deep learning, offering both a technical and conceptual scaffold for understanding and utilizing these mechanisms across various tasks. The proposed taxonomy and evaluation methods provide a systematic approach to analyze, design, and refine attention models, paving the way for future innovations and applications.

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