Emergent Mind

Approximately Counting Subgraphs in Data Streams

Published Mar 27, 2022 in cs.DS


Estimating the number of subgraphs in data streams is a fundamental problem that has received great attention in the past decade. In this paper, we give improved streaming algorithms for approximately counting the number of occurrences of an arbitrary subgraph $H$, denoted $# H$, when the input graph $G$ is represented as a stream of $m$ edges. To obtain our algorithms, we provide a generic transformation that converts constant-round sublinear-time graph algorithms in the query access model to constant-pass sublinear-space graph streaming algorithms. Using this transformation, we obtain the following results. 1. We give a $3$-pass turnstile streaming algorithm for $(1\pm \epsilon)$-approximating $# H$ in $\tilde{O}(\frac{m{\rho(H)}}{\epsilon2\cdot # H})$ space, where $\rho(H)$ is the fractional edge-cover of $H$. This improves upon and generalizes a result of McGregor et al. [PODS 2016], who gave a $3$-pass insertion-only streaming algorithm for $(1\pm \epsilon)$-approximating the number $# T$ of triangles in $\tilde{O}(\frac{m{3/2}}{\epsilon2\cdot # T})$ space if the algorithm is given additional oracle access to the degrees. 2. We provide a constant-pass streaming algorithm for $(1\pm \epsilon)$-approximating $# Kr$ in $\tilde{O}(\frac{m\lambda{r-2}}{\epsilon2\cdot # Kr})$ space for any $r\geq 3$, in a graph $G$ with degeneracy $\lambda$, where $K_r$ is a clique on $r$ vertices. This resolves a conjecture by Bera and Seshadhri [PODS 2020]. More generally, our reduction relates the adaptivity of a query algorithm to the pass complexity of a corresponding streaming algorithm, and it is applicable to all algorithms in standard sublinear-time graph query models, e.g., the (augmented) general model.

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