Emergent Mind

A Speech Representation Anonymization Framework via Selective Noise Perturbation

Published Mar 26, 2022 in eess.AS , cs.CR , and cs.SD


Privacy and security are major concerns when communicating speech signals to cloud services such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech emotion recognition (SER). Existing solutions for speech anonymization mainly focus on voice conversion or voice modification to convert a raw utterance into another one with similar content but different, or no, identity-related information. However, an alternative approach to share speech data under the form of privacy-preserving representation has been largely under-explored. In this paper, we propose a speech anonymization framework that achieves privacy via noise perturbation to a selected subset of the high-utility representations extracted using a pre-trained speech encoder. The subset is chosen with a Transformer-based privacy-risk saliency estimator. We validate our framework on four tasks, namely, Automatic Speaker Verification (ASV), ASR, SER and Intent Classification (IC) for privacy and utility assessment. Experimental results show that our approach is able to achieve a competitive, or even better, utility compared to the speech anonymization baselines from the VoicePrivacy2022 Challenges, providing the same level of privacy. Moreover, the easily-controlled amount of perturbation allows our framework to have a flexible range of privacy-utility trade-offs without re-training any component.

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