Emergent Mind


In view of the performance limitations of fully-decoupled designs for neural architectures and accelerators, hardware-software co-design has been emerging to fully reap the benefits of flexible design spaces and optimize neural network performance. Nonetheless, such co-design also enlarges the total search space to practically infinity and presents substantial challenges. While the prior studies have been focusing on improving the search efficiency (e.g., via reinforcement learning), they commonly rely on co-searches over the entire architecture-accelerator design space. In this paper, we propose a \emph{semi}-decoupled approach to reduce the size of the total design space by orders of magnitude, yet without losing optimality. We first perform neural architecture search to obtain a small set of optimal architectures for one accelerator candidate. Importantly, this is also the set of (close-to-)optimal architectures for other accelerator designs based on the property that neural architectures' ranking orders in terms of inference latency and energy consumption on different accelerator designs are highly similar. Then, instead of considering all the possible architectures, we optimize the accelerator design only in combination with this small set of architectures, thus significantly reducing the total search cost. We validate our approach by conducting experiments on various architecture spaces for accelerator designs with different dataflows. Our results highlight that we can obtain the optimal design by only navigating over the reduced search space. The source code of this work is at \url{https://github.com/Ren-Research/CoDesign}.

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