Emergent Mind

Size-based scheduling vs fairness for datacenter flows: a queuing perspective

Published Mar 24, 2022 in cs.NI , cs.DC , and cs.PF


Contrary to the conclusions of a recent body of work where approximate shortest remaining processing time first (SRPT) flow scheduling is advocated for datacenter networks, this paper aims to demonstrate that per-flow fairness remains a preferable objective. We evaluate abstract queuing models by analysis and simulation to illustrate the non-optimality of SRPT under the reasonable assumptions that datacenter flows occur in batches and bursts and not, as usually assumed, individually at the instants of a Poisson process. Results for these models have significant implications for the design of bandwidth sharing strategies for datacenter networks. In particular, we propose a novel "virtual fair scheduling" algorithm that enforces fairness between batches and is arguably simple enough to be implemented in high speed devices.

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