Emergent Mind

Scale-out Systolic Arrays

Published Mar 22, 2022 in cs.AR and cs.LG


Multi-pod systolic arrays are emerging as the architecture of choice in DNN inference accelerators. Despite their potential, designing multi-pod systolic arrays to maximize effective throughput/Watt (i.e., throughput/Watt adjusted when accounting for array utilization) poses a unique set of challenges. In this work, we study three key pillars in multi-pod systolic array designs, namely array granularity, interconnect, and tiling. We identify optimal array granularity across workloads and show that state-of-the-art commercial accelerators use suboptimal array sizes for single-tenancy workloads. We, then evaluate the bandwidth/latency trade-offs in interconnects and show that Butterfly networks offer a scalable topology for accelerators with a large number of pods. Finally, we introduce a novel data tiling scheme with custom partition size to maximize utilization in optimally sized pods. We propose Scale-out Systolic Arrays, a multi-pod inference accelerator for both single- and multi-tenancy based on these three pillars. We show that SOSA exhibits scaling of up to 600 TeraOps/s in effective throughput for state-of-the-art DNN inference workloads, and outperforms state-of-the-art multi-pod accelerators by a factor of 1.5x.

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