Emergent Mind


Air pollution and carbon emissions caused by modern transportation are closely related to global climate change. With the help of next-generation information technology such as Internet of Things (IoT) and AI, accurate traffic flow prediction can effectively solve problems such as traffic congestion and mitigate environmental pollution and climate change. It further promotes the development of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and smart cities. However, the strong spatial and temporal correlation of traffic data makes the task of accurate traffic forecasting a significant challenge. Existing methods are usually based on graph neural networks using predefined spatial adjacency graphs of traffic networks to model spatial dependencies, ignoring the dynamic correlation of relationships between road nodes. In addition, they usually use independent Spatio-temporal components to capture Spatio-temporal dependencies and do not effectively model global Spatio-temporal dependencies. This paper proposes a new Spatio-temporal Causal Graph Attention Network (STCGAT) for traffic prediction to address the above challenges. In STCGAT, we use a node embedding approach that can adaptively generate spatial adjacency subgraphs at each time step without a priori geographic knowledge and fine-grained modeling of the topology of dynamically generated graphs for different time steps. Meanwhile, we propose an efficient causal temporal correlation component that contains node adaptive learning, graph convolution, and local and global causal temporal convolution modules to learn local and global Spatio-temporal dependencies jointly. Extensive experiments on four real, large traffic datasets show that our model consistently outperforms all baseline models.

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