Emergent Mind

Reinforcement learning reward function in unmanned aerial vehicle control tasks

Published Mar 20, 2022 in cs.RO , cs.LG , and cs.NE


This paper presents a new reward function that can be used for deep reinforcement learning in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) control and navigation problems. The reward function is based on the construction and estimation of the time of simplified trajectories to the target, which are third-order Bezier curves. This reward function can be applied unchanged to solve problems in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional virtual environments. The effectiveness of the reward function was tested in a newly developed virtual environment, namely, a simplified two-dimensional environment describing the dynamics of UAV control and flight, taking into account the forces of thrust, inertia, gravity, and aerodynamic drag. In this formulation, three tasks of UAV control and navigation were successfully solved: UAV flight to a given point in space, avoidance of interception by another UAV, and organization of interception of one UAV by another. The three most relevant modern deep reinforcement learning algorithms, Soft actor-critic, Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient, and Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient were used. All three algorithms performed well, indicating the effectiveness of the selected reward function.

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