Emergent Mind

Stress-testing the Resilience of the Austrian Healthcare System Using Agent-Based Simulation

Published Mar 15, 2022 in physics.soc-ph and cs.SI


Patients do not access physicians at random but rather via naturally emerging networks of patient flows between them. As retirements, mass quarantines and absence due to sickness during pandemics, or other shocks thin out these networks, the system might be pushed closer to a tipping point where it loses its ability to deliver care to the population. Here we propose a data-driven framework to quantify the regional resilience to such shocks of primary and secondary care in Austria via an agent-based model. For each region and medical specialty we construct detailed patient-sharing networks from administrative data and stress-test these networks by removing increasing numbers of physicians from the system. This allows us to measure regional resilience indicators describing how many physicians can be removed from a certain area before individual patients won't be treated anymore. We find that such tipping points do indeed exist and that regions and medical specialties differ substantially in their resilience. These systemic differences can be related to indicators for individual physicians by quantifying how much their hypothetical removal would stress the system (risk score) or how much of the stress from the removal of other physicians they would be able to absorb (benefit score). Our stress-testing framework could enable health authorities to rapidly identify bottlenecks in access to care as well as to inspect these naturally emerging physician networks and how potential absences would impact them.

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