Emergent Mind

Mammograms Classification: A Review

Published Mar 4, 2022 in eess.IV , cs.CV , and cs.LG


An advanced reliable low-cost form of screening method, Digital mammography has been used as an effective imaging method for breast cancer detection. With an increased focus on technologies to aid healthcare, Mammogram images have been utilized in developing computer-aided diagnosis systems that will potentially help in clinical diagnosis. Researchers have proved that artificial intelligence with its emerging technologies can be used in the early detection of the disease and improve radiologists' performance in assessing breast cancer. In this paper, we review the methods developed for mammogram mass classification in two categories. The first one is classifying manually provided cropped region of interests (ROI) as either malignant or benign, and the second one is the classification of automatically segmented ROIs as either malignant or benign. We also provide an overview of datasets and evaluation metrics used in the classification task. Finally, we compare and discuss the deep learning approach to classical image processing and learning approach in this domain.


  • The paper reviews the use of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems and deep learning in mammogram classification to improve the early detection of breast cancer.

  • It discusses the challenges faced in mammogram classification, including dataset variability and the need for high accuracy and low false-positive rates.

  • Several key findings are highlighted, such as the effectiveness of combining classical image processing techniques with machine learning and the superior performance of deep learning models.

  • Future directions emphasize the importance of more accessible datasets, advancements in model generalization, and privacy-preserving algorithms to enhance clinical diagnosis.

Exploring Mammogram Classification through Deep Learning and Image Processing Techniques

Introduction to Mammogram Classification

Mammogram classification stands as a pivotal tool in the early detection of breast cancer, a disease marked by both high mortality rates and significant research funding in the United States. As technology advances, notably in AI and machine learning, its application in healthcare has seen substantial growth. This review focuses on the integration of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems in mammography, showcasing the promising conjunction of technology and healthcare to improve diagnostic accuracy and reduce false-positive rates in breast cancer screening.

The Challenge at Hand

Breast cancer diagnosis via mammography presents a unique set of challenges, primarily due to the inherent nature of tumor cells and mass variance. The classification task aims to accurately and robustly categorize mammograms while maintaining high efficiency and a minimized false-positive rate. Deep learning, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), has surfaced as a dominant method in tackling computer vision problems, including mammogram classification. However, achieving a universally applicable algorithm remains a complex feat, complicated further by dataset variability, accessibility issues, and the high privacy concerns associated with medical data.

Datasets and Evaluation Metrics

Critically, the review underscores the difficulties in consistent model performance comparison due to the limited public availability and specificity of medical imaging datasets. It highlights several key datasets, such as the NYU Dataset, DDSM, MIAS, and IRMA, noting their use across differing research efforts. Evaluation across studies leverages metrics like AUC, specificity, sensitivity, and F1-scores, grounding analysis in both theoretical rigor and practical applicability.

Key Findings in Mammogram Classification

The paper explore two main categorizations within mammogram classification: manual and automated segmentation of Regions of Interest (ROIs). Studies utilizing texture-based features and decision trees reported high accuracy and AUC scores, demonstrating the efficacy of combining classical imaging processing techniques with machine learning. On the contrast, deep learning models, notably those built on architectures like VGG-16 and advanced concepts like federated learning for privacy preservation, show superior performance in both accuracy and generalization capabilities over classical methods.

Moreover, the exploration into automated segmentation and classification reveals innovative approaches such as fuzzy c-means clustering and hybrid texture feature extraction. These methodologies, especially when coupled with deep learning techniques, showcase significant potential in enhancing radiologists' performance and establishing CAD systems as reliable diagnostic aids.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

The review not only maps the current landscape of mammogram classification research but also sets the stage for future exploration. It identifies the pressing needs for more comprehensive and publicly accessible datasets, advancements in model generalization, and the development of algorithms that maintain patient privacy while ensuring robust diagnostic capabilities. The practical implications extend to the potential transformation of clinical diagnosis, where CAD systems could offer support and augmentation of radiologists' expertise.

Future Directions in AI and Mammography

The review posits a future where AI, particularly deep learning, plays a crucial role in the early detection and classification of breast cancer through mammography. As technology progresses, the anticipation is for research to surmount existing limitations, namely data bias and computational demands, paving the way for more sophisticated, efficient, and universally applicable CAD systems.


In conclusion, the intersection of AI and medical imaging for breast cancer detection through mammography presents a fertile ground for impactful research and technological advancement. As depicted in this review, the journey from classical image processing to deep learning paradigms underscores a significant shift towards more accurate, efficient, and potentially life-saving diagnostic tools in the fight against breast cancer. The ongoing enhancements in algorithmic development, alongside the imperative for more accessible and comprehensive datasets, herald a promising horizon for the utilization of CAD systems in clinical settings.

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