Emergent Mind

Few Induced Disjoint Paths for $H$-Free Graphs

Published Mar 7, 2022 in math.CO , cs.CC , cs.DM , and cs.DS


Paths $P1,\ldots,Pk$ in a graph $G=(V,E)$ are mutually induced if any two distinct $Pi$ and $Pj$ have neither common vertices nor adjacent vertices. For a fixed integer $k$, the $k$-Induced Disjoint Paths problem is to decide if a graph $G$ with $k$ pairs of specified vertices $(si,ti)$ contains $k$ mutually induced paths $Pi$ such that each $Pi$ starts from $si$ and ends at $ti$. Whereas the non-induced version is well-known to be polynomial-time solvable for every fixed integer $k$, a classical result from the literature states that even $2$-Induced Disjoint Paths is NP-complete. We prove new complexity results for $k$-Induced Disjoint Paths if the input is restricted to $H$-free graphs, that is, graphs without a fixed graph $H$ as an induced subgraph. We compare our results with a complexity dichotomy for Induced Disjoint Paths, the variant where $k$ is part of the input.

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