Emergent Mind

A Scenario Approach to Risk-Aware Safety-Critical System Verification

Published Mar 4, 2022 in eess.SY and cs.SY


With the growing interest in deploying robots in unstructured and uncertain environments, there has been increasing interest in factoring risk into safety-critical control development. Similarly, the authors believe risk should also be accounted in the verification of these controllers. In pursuit of sample-efficient methods for uncertain black-box verification then, we first detail a method to estimate the Value-at-Risk of arbitrary scalar random variables without requiring \textit{apriori} knowledge of its distribution. Then, we reformulate the uncertain verification problem as a Value-at-Risk estimation problem making use of our prior results. In doing so, we provide fundamental sampling requirements to bound with high confidence the volume of states and parameters for a black-box system that could potentially yield unsafe phenomena. We also show that this procedure works independent of system complexity through simulated examples of the Robotarium.

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