Emergent Mind

Speaker Adaption with Intuitive Prosodic Features for Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis

Published Mar 2, 2022 in cs.SD , cs.AI , and eess.AS


In this paper, we propose a method of speaker adaption with intuitive prosodic features for statistical parametric speech synthesis. The intuitive prosodic features employed in this method include pitch, pitch range, speech rate and energy considering that they are directly related with the overall prosodic characteristics of different speakers. The intuitive prosodic features are extracted at utterance-level or speaker-level, and are further integrated into the existing speaker-encoding-based and speaker-embedding-based adaptation frameworks respectively. The acoustic models are sequence-to-sequence ones based on Tacotron2. Intuitive prosodic features are concatenated with text encoder outputs and speaker vectors for decoding acoustic features.Experimental results have demonstrated that our proposed methods can achieve better objective and subjective performance than the baseline methods without intuitive prosodic features. Besides, the proposed speaker adaption method with utterance-level prosodic features has achieved the best similarity of synthetic speech among all compared methods.

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