Emergent Mind

TransKD: Transformer Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Semantic Segmentation

Published Feb 27, 2022 in cs.CV , cs.RO , and eess.IV


Semantic segmentation benchmarks in the realm of autonomous driving are dominated by large pre-trained transformers, yet their widespread adoption is impeded by substantial computational costs and prolonged training durations. To lift this constraint, we look at efficient semantic segmentation from a perspective of comprehensive knowledge distillation and consider to bridge the gap between multi-source knowledge extractions and transformer-specific patch embeddings. We put forward the Transformer-based Knowledge Distillation (TransKD) framework which learns compact student transformers by distilling both feature maps and patch embeddings of large teacher transformers, bypassing the long pre-training process and reducing the FLOPs by >85.0%. Specifically, we propose two fundamental and two optimization modules: (1) Cross Selective Fusion (CSF) enables knowledge transfer between cross-stage features via channel attention and feature map distillation within hierarchical transformers; (2) Patch Embedding Alignment (PEA) performs dimensional transformation within the patchifying process to facilitate the patch embedding distillation; (3) Global-Local Context Mixer (GL-Mixer) extracts both global and local information of a representative embedding; (4) Embedding Assistant (EA) acts as an embedding method to seamlessly bridge teacher and student models with the teacher's number of channels. Experiments on Cityscapes, ACDC, NYUv2, and Pascal VOC2012 datasets show that TransKD outperforms state-of-the-art distillation frameworks and rivals the time-consuming pre-training method. The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/RuipingL/TransKD.

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