Emergent Mind


In this paper, we present a real-time whole-body planner for collision-free legged mobile manipulation. We enforce both self-collision and environment-collision avoidance as soft constraints within a Model Predictive Control (MPC) scheme that solves a multi-contact optimal control problem. By penalizing the signed distances among a set of representative primitive collision bodies, the robot is able to safely execute a variety of dynamic maneuvers while preventing any self-collisions. Moreover, collision-free navigation and manipulation in both static and dynamic environments are made viable through efficient queries of distances and their gradients via a euclidean signed distance field. We demonstrate through a comparative study that our approach only slightly increases the computational complexity of the MPC planning. Finally, we validate the effectiveness of our framework through a set of hardware experiments involving dynamic mobile manipulation tasks with potential collisions, such as locomotion balancing with the swinging arm, weight throwing, and autonomous door opening.

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