Emergent Mind

Deepfake Detection for Facial Images with Facemasks

Published Feb 23, 2022 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Hyper-realistic face image generation and manipulation have givenrise to numerous unethical social issues, e.g., invasion of privacy,threat of security, and malicious political maneuvering, which re-sulted in the development of recent deepfake detection methods with the rising demands of deepfake forensics. Proposed deepfake detection methods to date have shown remarkable detection performance and robustness. However, none of the suggested deepfake detection methods assessed the performance of deepfakes with the facemask during the pandemic crisis after the outbreak of theCovid-19. In this paper, we thoroughly evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art deepfake detection models on the deepfakes with the facemask. Also, we propose two approaches to enhance the masked deepfakes detection: face-patch and face-crop. The experimental evaluations on both methods are assessed through the base-line deepfake detection models on the various deepfake datasets. Our extensive experiments show that, among the two methods, face-crop performs better than the face-patch, and could be a train method for deepfake detection models to detect fake faces with facemask in real world.

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