Emergent Mind

AD for an Array Language with Nested Parallelism

Published Feb 21, 2022 in cs.PL and cs.DC


We present a technique for applying (forward and) reverse-mode automatic differentiation (AD) on a non-recursive second-order functional array language that supports nested parallelism and is primarily aimed at efficient GPU execution. The key idea is to eliminate the need for a "tape" by relying on redundant execution to bring into each new scope all program variables that may be needed by the differentiated code. Efficient execution is enabled by the observation that perfectly-nested scopes do not introduce re-execution, and such perfect nests are produced by known compiler transformations, e.g., flattening. Our technique differentiates loops and bulk-parallel operators, such as map, reduce, histogram, scan, scatter, by specific rewrite rules, and aggressively optimizes the resulting nested-parallel code. We report an experimental evaluation that compares with established AD solutions and demonstrates competitive performance on nine common benchmarks from recent applied AD literature.

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