Emergent Mind

Multi-task Representation Learning with Stochastic Linear Bandits

Published Feb 21, 2022 in stat.ML and cs.LG


We study the problem of transfer-learning in the setting of stochastic linear bandit tasks. We consider that a low dimensional linear representation is shared across the tasks, and study the benefit of learning this representation in the multi-task learning setting. Following recent results to design stochastic bandit policies, we propose an efficient greedy policy based on trace norm regularization. It implicitly learns a low dimensional representation by encouraging the matrix formed by the task regression vectors to be of low rank. Unlike previous work in the literature, our policy does not need to know the rank of the underlying matrix. We derive an upper bound on the multi-task regret of our policy, which is, up to logarithmic factors, of order $\sqrt{NdT(T+d)r}$, where $T$ is the number of tasks, $r$ the rank, $d$ the number of variables and $N$ the number of rounds per task. We show the benefit of our strategy compared to the baseline $Td\sqrt{N}$ obtained by solving each task independently. We also provide a lower bound to the multi-task regret. Finally, we corroborate our theoretical findings with preliminary experiments on synthetic data.

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