Emergent Mind

A two-phase rank-based algorithm for low-rank matrix completion

Published Feb 18, 2022 in math.OC , cs.NA , and math.NA


Matrix completion aims to recover an unknown low-rank matrix from a small subset of its entries. In many applications, the rank of the unknown target matrix is known in advance. In this paper, first we revisit a recently proposed rank-based heuristic for "known-rank" matrix completion and establish a condition under which the generated sequence is quasi-Fej\'er convergent to the solution set. Then, by including an acceleration mechanism similar to Nesterov's acceleration, we obtain a new heuristic. Even though the convergence of such heuristic cannot be granted in general, it turns out that it can be very useful as a warm-start phase, providing a suitable estimate for the regularization parameter and a good starting-point, to an accelerated Soft-Impute algorithm. Numerical experiments with both synthetic and real data show that the resulting two-phase rank-based algorithm can recover low-rank matrices, with relatively high precision, faster than other well-established matrix completion algorithms.

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