Emergent Mind

Improving English to Sinhala Neural Machine Translation using Part-of-Speech Tag

Published Feb 17, 2022 in cs.CL and cs.LG


The performance of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) depends significantly on the size of the available parallel corpus. Due to this fact, low resource language pairs demonstrate low translation performance compared to high resource language pairs. The translation quality further degrades when NMT is performed for morphologically rich languages. Even though the web contains a large amount of information, most people in Sri Lanka are unable to read and understand English properly. Therefore, there is a huge requirement of translating English content to local languages to share information among locals. Sinhala language is the primary language in Sri Lanka and building an NMT system that can produce quality English to Sinhala translations is difficult due to the syntactic divergence between these two languages under low resource constraints. Thus, in this research, we explore effective methods of incorporating Part of Speech (POS) tags to the Transformer input embedding and positional encoding to further enhance the performance of the baseline English to Sinhala neural machine translation model.

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