Emergent Mind

Information Theory with Kernel Methods

Published Feb 17, 2022 in cs.IT , cs.LG , math.IT , math.OC , and stat.ML


We consider the analysis of probability distributions through their associated covariance operators from reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. We show that the von Neumann entropy and relative entropy of these operators are intimately related to the usual notions of Shannon entropy and relative entropy, and share many of their properties. They come together with efficient estimation algorithms from various oracles on the probability distributions. We also consider product spaces and show that for tensor product kernels, we can define notions of mutual information and joint entropies, which can then characterize independence perfectly, but only partially conditional independence. We finally show how these new notions of relative entropy lead to new upper-bounds on log partition functions, that can be used together with convex optimization within variational inference methods, providing a new family of probabilistic inference methods.

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