Emergent Mind

Treating Interference as Noise in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks

Published Feb 15, 2022 in cs.IT and math.IT


How to manage the interference introduced by the enormous wireless devices is a crucial issue to address in the prospective sixth-generation (6G) communications. The treating interference as noise (TIN) optimality conditions are commonly used for interference management and thus attract significant interest in existing wireless systems. Cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (CF mMIMO) is a promising technology in 6G that exhibits high system throughput and excellent interference management by exploiting a large number of access points (APs) to serve the users collaboratively. In this paper, we take the first step on studying TIN in CF mMIMO systems from a stochastic geometry perspective by investigating the probability that the TIN conditions hold with spatially distributed network nodes. We propose a novel analytical framework for TIN in a CF mMIMO system with both Binomial Point Process (BPP) and Poisson Point Process (PPP) approximations. We derive the probability that the TIN conditions hold in close form using the PPP approximation. Numerical results validate our derived expressions and illustrate the impact of various system parameters on the probability that the TIN conditions hold.

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