Emergent Mind

Distributed saddle point problems for strongly concave-convex functions

Published Feb 11, 2022 in math.OC , cs.LG , cs.MA , and stat.ML


In this paper, we propose GT-GDA, a distributed optimization method to solve saddle point problems of the form: $\min{\mathbf{x}} \max{\mathbf{y}} {F(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}) :=G(\mathbf{x}) + \langle \mathbf{y}, \overline{P} \mathbf{x} \rangle - H(\mathbf{y})}$, where the functions $G(\cdot)$, $H(\cdot)$, and the the coupling matrix $\overline{P}$ are distributed over a strongly connected network of nodes. GT-GDA is a first-order method that uses gradient tracking to eliminate the dissimilarity caused by heterogeneous data distribution among the nodes. In the most general form, GT-GDA includes a consensus over the local coupling matrices to achieve the optimal (unique) saddle point, however, at the expense of increased communication. To avoid this, we propose a more efficient variant GT-GDA-Lite that does not incur the additional communication and analyze its convergence in various scenarios. We show that GT-GDA converges linearly to the unique saddle point solution when $G(\cdot)$ is smooth and convex, $H(\cdot)$ is smooth and strongly convex, and the global coupling matrix $\overline{P}$ has full column rank. We further characterize the regime under which GT-GDA exhibits a network topology-independent convergence behavior. We next show the linear convergence of GT-GDA to an error around the unique saddle point, which goes to zero when the coupling cost ${\langle \mathbf y, \overline{P} \mathbf x \rangle}$ is common to all nodes, or when $G(\cdot)$ and $H(\cdot)$ are quadratic. Numerical experiments illustrate the convergence properties and importance of GT-GDA and GT-GDA-Lite for several applications.

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