Emergent Mind


Multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) have proven to be effective scene encoders when combined with higher-dimensional projections of the input, commonly referred to as \textit{positional encoding}. However, scenes with a wide frequency spectrum remain a challenge: choosing high frequencies for positional encoding introduces noise in low structure areas, while low frequencies result in poor fitting of detailed regions. To address this, we propose a progressive positional encoding, exposing a hierarchical MLP structure to incremental sets of frequency encodings. Our model accurately reconstructs scenes with wide frequency bands and learns a scene representation at progressive level of detail \textit{without explicit per-level supervision}. The architecture is modular: each level encodes a continuous implicit representation that can be leveraged separately for its respective resolution, meaning a smaller network for coarser reconstructions. Experiments on several 2D and 3D datasets show improvements in reconstruction accuracy, representational capacity and training speed compared to baselines.

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