Emergent Mind

A two-step approach to leverage contextual data: speech recognition in air-traffic communications

Published Feb 8, 2022 in cs.CL , cs.LG , cs.SD , and eess.AS


Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), as the assistance of speech communication between pilots and air-traffic controllers, can significantly reduce the complexity of the task and increase the reliability of transmitted information. ASR application can lead to a lower number of incidents caused by misunderstanding and improve air traffic management (ATM) efficiency. Evidently, high accuracy predictions, especially, of key information, i.e., callsigns and commands, are required to minimize the risk of errors. We prove that combining the benefits of ASR and NLP methods to make use of surveillance data (i.e. additional modality) helps to considerably improve the recognition of callsigns (named entity). In this paper, we investigate a two-step callsign boosting approach: (1) at the 1 step (ASR), weights of probable callsign n-grams are reduced in G.fst and/or in the decoding FST (lattices), (2) at the 2 step (NLP), callsigns extracted from the improved recognition outputs with Named Entity Recognition (NER) are correlated with the surveillance data to select the most suitable one. Boosting callsign n-grams with the combination of ASR and NLP methods eventually leads up to 53.7% of an absolute, or 60.4% of a relative, improvement in callsign recognition.

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