Emergent Mind

HDCoin: A Proof-of-Useful-Work Based Blockchain for Hyperdimensional Computing

Published Feb 7, 2022 in cs.CR and cs.NE


Various blockchain systems and schemes have been proposed since Bitcoin was first introduced by Nakamoto Satoshi as a distributed ledger. However, blockchains usually face criticisms, particularly on environmental concerns as their proof-of-work'' based mining process usually consumes a considerable amount of energy which hardly makes any useful contributions to the real world. Therefore, the concept ofproof-of-useful-work'' (PoUW) is proposed to connect blockchain with practical application domain problems so the computation power consumed in the mining process can be spent on useful activities, such as solving optimization problems or training machine learning models. This paper introduces HDCoin, a blockchain-based framework for an emerging machine learning scheme: the brain-inspired hyperdimensional computing (HDC). We formulate the model development of HDC as a problem that can be used in blockchain mining. Specifically, we define the PoUW under the HDC scenario and develop the entire mining process of HDCoin. During mining, miners are competing to obtain the highest test accuracy on a given dataset. The winner also has its model recorded in the blockchain and are available for the public as a trustworthy HDC model. In addition, we also quantitatively examine the performance of mining under different HDC configurations to illustrate the adaptive mining difficulty.

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