Emergent Mind

MariusGNN: Resource-Efficient Out-of-Core Training of Graph Neural Networks

Published Feb 4, 2022 in cs.LG and cs.DB


We study training of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for large-scale graphs. We revisit the premise of using distributed training for billion-scale graphs and show that for graphs that fit in main memory or the SSD of a single machine, out-of-core pipelined training with a single GPU can outperform state-of-the-art (SoTA) multi-GPU solutions. We introduce MariusGNN, the first system that utilizes the entire storage hierarchy -- including disk -- for GNN training. MariusGNN introduces a series of data organization and algorithmic contributions that 1) minimize the end-to-end time required for training and 2) ensure that models learned with disk-based training exhibit accuracy similar to those fully trained in memory. We evaluate MariusGNN against SoTA systems for learning GNN models and find that single-GPU training in MariusGNN achieves the same level of accuracy up to 8x faster than multi-GPU training in these systems, thus, introducing an order of magnitude monetary cost reduction. MariusGNN is open-sourced at www.marius-project.org.

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