Emergent Mind

Non-Stationary Dueling Bandits

Published Feb 2, 2022 in cs.LG and stat.ML


We study the non-stationary dueling bandits problem with $K$ arms, where the time horizon $T$ consists of $M$ stationary segments, each of which is associated with its own preference matrix. The learner repeatedly selects a pair of arms and observes a binary preference between them as feedback. To minimize the accumulated regret, the learner needs to pick the Condorcet winner of each stationary segment as often as possible, despite preference matrices and segment lengths being unknown. We propose the $\mathrm{Beat\, the\, Winner\, Reset}$ algorithm and prove a bound on its expected binary weak regret in the stationary case, which tightens the bound of current state-of-art algorithms. We also show a regret bound for the non-stationary case, without requiring knowledge of $M$ or $T$. We further propose and analyze two meta-algorithms, $\mathrm{DETECT}$ for weak regret and $\mathrm{Monitored\, Dueling\, Bandits}$ for strong regret, both based on a detection-window approach that can incorporate any dueling bandit algorithm as a black-box algorithm. Finally, we prove a worst-case lower bound for expected weak regret in the non-stationary case.

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