Emergent Mind

Evaluating a Methodology for Increasing AI Transparency: A Case Study

Published Jan 24, 2022 in cs.CY and cs.AI


In reaction to growing concerns about the potential harms of AI, societies have begun to demand more transparency about how AI models and systems are created and used. To address these concerns, several efforts have proposed documentation templates containing questions to be answered by model developers. These templates provide a useful starting point, but no single template can cover the needs of diverse documentation consumers. It is possible in principle, however, to create a repeatable methodology to generate truly useful documentation. Richards et al. [25] proposed such a methodology for identifying specific documentation needs and creating templates to address those needs. Although this is a promising proposal, it has not been evaluated. This paper presents the first evaluation of this user-centered methodology in practice, reporting on the experiences of a team in the domain of AI for healthcare that adopted it to increase transparency for several AI models. The methodology was found to be usable by developers not trained in user-centered techniques, guiding them to creating a documentation template that addressed the specific needs of their consumers while still being reusable across different models and use cases. Analysis of the benefits and costs of this methodology are reviewed and suggestions for further improvement in both the methodology and supporting tools are summarized.

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