Emergent Mind

Riemannian block SPD coupling manifold and its application to optimal transport

Published Jan 30, 2022 in math.FA , math.OC , and stat.ML


In this work, we study the optimal transport (OT) problem between symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrix-valued measures. We formulate the above as a generalized optimal transport problem where the cost, the marginals, and the coupling are represented as block matrices and each component block is a SPD matrix. The summation of row blocks and column blocks in the coupling matrix are constrained by the given block-SPD marginals. We endow the set of such block-coupling matrices with a novel Riemannian manifold structure. This allows to exploit the versatile Riemannian optimization framework to solve generic SPD matrix-valued OT problems. We illustrate the usefulness of the proposed approach in several applications.

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