Emergent Mind

COIN++: Neural Compression Across Modalities

Published Jan 30, 2022 in cs.LG , cs.CV , eess.IV , and stat.ML


Neural compression algorithms are typically based on autoencoders that require specialized encoder and decoder architectures for different data modalities. In this paper, we propose COIN++, a neural compression framework that seamlessly handles a wide range of data modalities. Our approach is based on converting data to implicit neural representations, i.e. neural functions that map coordinates (such as pixel locations) to features (such as RGB values). Then, instead of storing the weights of the implicit neural representation directly, we store modulations applied to a meta-learned base network as a compressed code for the data. We further quantize and entropy code these modulations, leading to large compression gains while reducing encoding time by two orders of magnitude compared to baselines. We empirically demonstrate the feasibility of our method by compressing various data modalities, from images and audio to medical and climate data.

COIN++ compresses various data modalities into neural network parameters using optimization, adaptable by input/output dimensions.


  • COIN++ is a neural compression framework that uses implicit neural representations (INRs) to compress a variety of data modalities, such as images, audio, and medical scans.

  • The framework leverages meta-learning to develop a base network, drastically reducing encoding time by storing modulations rather than the weights of neural representations.

  • COIN++ demonstrates high compression efficiency across datasets like CIFAR10, ERA5 climate data, and FastMRI, showing potential for broad applications and future enhancements.

A Comprehensive Look at COIN++: A Versatile Neural Compression Framework


In this explanation, we'll dive into COIN++, a neural compression framework designed to handle a broad range of data modalities, from images and audio to specialized data like medical scans and climate data. This approach stands apart by transforming data into implicit neural representations (INRs) and focusing on storing modulations applied to a meta-learned base network. Let's break down the key elements and implications of this innovative technique.

Methods and Key Insights

Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) The core idea behind COIN++ is to convert various data types into INRs. For example:

  • Images: Maps pixel locations to RGB values.
  • Audio: Maps time indices to amplitude values.
  • 3D Data: Maps spatial coordinates to intensity values.

These mappings are then compressed by storing the modulations (scales and shifts) applied to a shared base network, rather than the weights of the representation directly. There's an interesting twist here: modulations are surprisingly quantizable, making the compression process highly efficient.

Meta-Learning for Fast Encoding One of the standout advances in COIN++ is using meta-learning to develop a base network that significantly reduces encoding time. This involves:

  1. Meta-learning the initialization of the base network.
  2. Storing modulations as the compressed code, which greatly expedites the encoding process.

The meta-learning approach ensures that compressing new data points requires only a few gradient steps, drastically cutting down the encoding time compared to traditional methods.

Numerical Results and Comparisons

COIN++ brings impressive results across different data modalities:

Images (CIFAR10 Dataset)

  • Achieves comparable performance to state-of-the-art codecs.
  • Vastly outperforms traditional methods like JPEG and newer methods like JPEG2000.

Climate Data (Global Temperature Measurements from ERA5)

  • Outperforms all baseline methods on this dataset, demonstrating its versatility.
  • Achieves a 3000x compression rate with an RMSE of 0.5°C.

Audio (LibriSpeech Dataset)

  • Performs reasonably well, though not as well as specialized audio codecs like MP3. This is still notable given the difference in data modality.

Medical Data (FastMRI Dataset)

  • Performs better than JPEG, though not as well as more sophisticated codecs like BPG and JPEG2000. The patch-based approach used here suggests room for further optimization.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Implications The versatility of COIN++ makes it applicable to a wide array of domains beyond just images and videos. This broad applicability could revolutionize how less traditional datasets are compressed and stored, from medical and climate data to potentially real-time systems where rapid encoding is crucial.

Theoretical Implications The successful application of meta-learning to this problem space opens up new avenues for research. It pushes the boundaries on how shared structures in data can be effectively leveraged to accelerate learning and compression processes.

Future Developments Several promising areas for future enhancement include:

  • Integration with sophisticated entropy coding methods: Potentially narrowing the gap with top-performing codecs.
  • Optimizing patch-based approaches: For large-scale data, improving the understanding of global structure could yield significant performance boosts.
  • Extending to other modalities: With further research, this approach could extend to even more diverse types of data and use cases.


COIN++ stands as an intriguing evolution in neural compression techniques, combining implicit representations with meta-learning to handle a wide range of data modalities. Its efficiency and versatility hint at a future where unified neural codecs could replace specialized, modality-specific algorithms. The ongoing research and potential enhancements mean we can expect even more significant strides in this area moving forward.

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