Emergent Mind

Bayesian Optimization For Multi-Objective Mixed-Variable Problems

Published Jan 30, 2022 in cs.LG , cs.AI , cs.CE , and math.OC


Optimizing multiple, non-preferential objectives for mixed-variable, expensive black-box problems is important in many areas of engineering and science. The expensive, noisy, black-box nature of these problems makes them ideal candidates for Bayesian optimization (BO). Mixed-variable and multi-objective problems, however, are a challenge due to BO's underlying smooth Gaussian process surrogate model. Current multi-objective BO algorithms cannot deal with mixed-variable problems. We present MixMOBO, the first mixed-variable, multi-objective Bayesian optimization framework for such problems. Using MixMOBO, optimal Pareto-fronts for multi-objective, mixed-variable design spaces can be found efficiently while ensuring diverse solutions. The method is sufficiently flexible to incorporate different kernels and acquisition functions, including those that were developed for mixed-variable or multi-objective problems by other authors. We also present HedgeMO, a modified Hedge strategy that uses a portfolio of acquisition functions for multi-objective problems. We present a new acquisition function, SMC. Our results show that MixMOBO performs well against other mixed-variable algorithms on synthetic problems. We apply MixMOBO to the real-world design of an architected material and show that our optimal design, which was experimentally fabricated and validated, has a normalized strain energy density $104$ times greater than existing structures.

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