Emergent Mind

Interconnect Parasitics and Partitioning in Fully-Analog In-Memory Computing Architectures

Published Jan 29, 2022 in cs.AR , cs.ET , and cs.LG


Fully-analog in-memory computing (IMC) architectures that implement both matrix-vector multiplication and non-linear vector operations within the same memory array have shown promising performance benefits over conventional IMC systems due to the removal of energy-hungry signal conversion units. However, maintaining the computation in the analog domain for the entire deep neural network (DNN) comes with potential sensitivity to interconnect parasitics. Thus, in this paper, we investigate the effect of wire parasitic resistance and capacitance on the accuracy of DNN models deployed on fully-analog IMC architectures. Moreover, we propose a partitioning mechanism to alleviate the impact of the parasitic while keeping the computation in the analog domain through dividing large arrays into multiple partitions. The SPICE circuit simulation results for a 400 X 120 X 84 X 10 DNN model deployed on a fully-analog IMC circuit show that a 94.84% accuracy could be achieved for MNIST classification application with 16, 8, and 8 horizontal partitions, as well as 8, 8, and 1 vertical partitions for first, second, and third layers of the DNN, respectively, which is comparable to the ~97% accuracy realized by digital implementation on CPU. It is shown that accuracy benefits are achieved at the cost of higher power consumption due to the extra circuitry required for handling partitioning.

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