Emergent Mind

Transfering Hierarchical Structure with Dual Meta Imitation Learning

Published Jan 28, 2022 in cs.RO and cs.AI


Hierarchical Imitation Learning (HIL) is an effective way for robots to learn sub-skills from long-horizon unsegmented demonstrations. However, the learned hierarchical structure lacks the mechanism to transfer across multi-tasks or to new tasks, which makes them have to learn from scratch when facing a new situation. Transferring and reorganizing modular sub-skills require fast adaptation ability of the whole hierarchical structure. In this work, we propose Dual Meta Imitation Learning (DMIL), a hierarchical meta imitation learning method where the high-level network and sub-skills are iteratively meta-learned with model-agnostic meta-learning. DMIL uses the likelihood of state-action pairs from each sub-skill as the supervision for the high-level network adaptation, and use the adapted high-level network to determine different data set for each sub-skill adaptation. We theoretically prove the convergence of the iterative training process of DMIL and establish the connection between DMIL and Expectation-Maximization algorithm. Empirically, we achieve state-of-the-art few-shot imitation learning performance on the Meta-world \cite{metaworld} benchmark and competitive results on long-horizon tasks of Kitchen environments.

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